
Note from Gillian: Looking Up. Looking Out.

On April 8, 2024, a unique phenomenon known as the Great North American Eclipse moved across North America, passing from Mexico, across the U.S. from Texas to Maine up through to Eastern Canada. For 4 minutes, the moon passed between the Earth and Sun,


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Note from Gillian: The Story you tell. The Legacy you build.

As I have reflected a lot on legacy recently, I thought about the connection to storytelling and how, together, they have woven the fabric of both culture and history in such a powerful way.

Throughout history,


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Notes from Gillian: Numbers Everywhere, But Something Doesn’t Add Up

My early experience with numbers was the progression from arithmetic to algebra to geometry to trigonometry to calculus, each with its own benefits and challenges. From my father’s teachings on the abacus and slide rule to how my allowance was determined to learning that an algorithm was not a Vice President’s music genre,


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Note from Gillian: Space Invasion

You are talking with a friend about how much you love traveling to Greece and before you can say Opa, you are inundated with ads for cruises to the Greek Isles, or local restaurants serving their fresh Tzatziki.


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Note from Gillian: Future Forward

We as a species have resolved to allow ourselves a specified day to review our past, possibly analyze the wins and losses, learn from our challenges, admire our successes, and decide goals for our future. Some take this day to define resolutions for self-improvement or business betterment.


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Note from Gillian: Breakthrough: Changing Challenges to Champions

There are times that life can seem daunting, weaving what seems like insurmountable challenges into one’s daily life. Memories of the good ol’ days, getting lost in a good book or favorite movie or avoiding the ‘news’,


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Note from Gillian: Changing Up

We accept change daily, in a multitude of ways. With the change of the seasons, we see our green garbed silvan woods change to red and yellow; the days shortening and the weather cooling. We stop by our favorite coffee shop and our summer cold brews are now decorated with pumpkin spiced froth.


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Note from Gillian: Where Inspiration Flows

Photo Credit: Gillian Christie 2023

My annual sojourn last week to Walden Pond refreshed my soul, inspired my scripting new poetry, reset priorities, and reconnected me with those who appreciated the simple beauty that abounds in the forest and in the human connection.


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Note from Gillian: We CAN all Get Along

As a brand philosopher, critical decisions must be based on observation, research, analytical and emotional trend analysis, our evolving understanding of the human experience and yes, a dose of futurism.

Humans, as a life form,


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Note from Gillian: Who Owns the Future?

On a recent mountain trail run, where I had the freedom, space, and self-generated motion to ponder life’s mysteries, an observation of the trail ahead offered a clear explanation of the essence of the nebulous concept: What is the future and who owns it?


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