Note from Gillian: Space Invasion

You are talking with a friend about how much you love traveling to Greece and before you can say Opa, you are inundated with ads for cruises to the Greek Isles, or local restaurants serving their fresh Tzatziki. You post a job listing and within hours, you get 20 emails selling you virtual assistant services, and they all look the same, just with different names, and you wonder the validity, wasting your time and attention. How many times have you seen news stories about the value of AI ‘knowing’ how you think and feel and deciding on choices ‘for you.’ Yes, this is personal space invasion. And the ramifications are far reaching.

I’m very, very worried about the invasion of privacy rights that we’re seeing not only from the N.S.A. and the government but from corporate America, as well. We’re losing our privacy rights. It’s a huge issue.” Bernie Sanders

However, rest assured, you truly are the source of your thoughts and feelings, and they matter.

In the world of marketing and developing advertising to motivate you to buy or do something based on AI, electronic ‘surveys’ or overwhelm tactics, they may get limited results but it leaves ‘you’ out of the equation. Replaced by the interpretation of you, your desires, buying habits, needs and preferences. Efficiency ends up superseding true emotion.

There is a better way, based on the value of the individual to share their considerations and emotions, honestly deciding what’s right for themselves. Yes, it takes time, patience, and the willingness to listen with respect for the responses. With pure authentic responses, marketing accuracy can build trust and loyalty.

Our research in the development of our proprietary methodology that uncovered six specific Characteristic Pods that effect personal decision making:

Pod 1: SENSUS (Sensations).
Pod 2: ADFECTUS (Emotions).
Pod 3: SENTENTIA (Opinions / Influences).
Pod 4: SENSIBUS (Perceptions).
Pod 5: LOGICAE & ABSURDE (Logic & Illogic).
Pod 6: INCOGNITA (The Unknown).

Being able to understand and analyze these aspects of decision making, based on the respect of the individual, may change not only the success of marketing, but the future of how these relationships are formed and built.

“Respect a man, and he will do all the more.” John Wooden

Standing by to hear your thoughts.



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