
Changing ‘Change’

It seems recently that everywhere you turn, change is occurring. The economy. The price of gas. Supply chain challenges. The weather. Consumer priorities. Business strategies. Box office hits. Change can cause confusion, disruption, and possible failure. Change can also be a learning opportunity,


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Reverse Engineering: System Shifting

As the daughter of a noted Bauhaus architect and granddaughter of Dr. Alexander Christie, professor of mechanical engineering at Johns Hopkins University and author of What does an Engineer Do, I learned, firsthand, that almost any challenge could be resolved if addressed through the mind of an engineer.


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Note from Gillian: The Evolution of P&L

For decades, accounting and management tracked their statistics through their Profit & Loss reports, that provided a summary of a company’s revenues, expenses, and profit/loss over a given time. The P&L statement can show a company’s ability to generate sales,


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Note from Gillian: Home of the Brave

It is a revealing hallmark of a culture to see what bravery represents. In America, the dominant online image is a Disney animation of a young girl facing illustrated threats. Then there is the Atlanta baseball team or a Web Browser or actors representing cartoon action characters always fighting a fictional threat to civilization as we know it.


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Note from Gillian: Where are the Heroes and Heroines Today?

Literature, history, and entertainment have elevated individuals, both human as well as fictionalized, to characterize the attributes of those of a hero: bravery, integrity, an indomitable will and the drive to accomplish great deeds. From the Greek legends that a hero was an individual of more than human qualities and favored by the gods like Hercules and Achilles,


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Note from Gillian: The Evolution of Communication

Throughout the ages, communication has been the lifeblood of all cultures. Communication has continued to be the exchange of ideas and traditions, the transfer of knowledge and art. Communication has built bonds and supported the evolution of civilization as well as devolved into conflict and turmoil.


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Note from Gillian: The Power of the Story

The history of storytelling goes back thousands of years. The early cave dwellers used pigment from their local plants to decorate their walls to preserve their successes, traditions, and often challenges. The necessity to share ideas, preserve philosophies,


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Note from Gillian: The Power of Thanks

All cultures evolve, some devolve, with new goals, morals, standards, freedoms and restrictions. Some who participate in these evolutions approach changes from different perspectives. There are the Rebels, who for the sake of their own passion or vision,


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Note from Gillian: A Matter of Perspective

Running a mountain ridge provides numerous benefits: crisp, fresh air, endless space out over the ocean to the south and out over rugged smokey mountain ranges to the north, a place where one’s thoughts can flow uninterrupted,


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Note from Gillian: Lessons from The Pond: The Pause

Throughout history, throughout lives, many have found a sanctuary where they can take a step back, reflect and rejuvenate. In this sanctuary, be it on a mountaintop or on a boat, a quiet corner of a marbled museum,


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