
A great philosopher once shared that truth is basically simple, but one would have to say he was simple to understand it. In today’s world, ‘truths’ are zooming about, like flies at a BBQ. Truths are masked in confusing rhetoric, politics, pedantic education, marketing pitches and advertisements, all of which should have large disclaimers. But a culture needs truths, that can be substantiated, that can be tested, that can be foundational. Without fundamental truths, the culture goes into a tailspin and confusion. A society is easier to control when truths are diminished.

On a recent mountain trail run, I stopped to ponder life’s truths, life’s fundamentals, starting with planet Earth.  There it was, all around me. Rocks. Beautiful rocks. Each with shapes formed over time in partnership with wind, rain, neighboring vegetation, and earth movement. Each sharing the warmth of the sun absorbed after the morning mist had lifted. Each quietly, yet boldly, being the mountains, the basis of the trails, the home to mountain creatures, the barrier to storms.  Each rock imbuing the history and culture of those who came before without any necessity to be the hero or the basis of the successes that have been built upon its strength.

Of course, for centuries man has named rocks, glorifying those that sparkle more than those that are the basis of mountains. Man has also valued the energy rocks possess to fuel its batteries and their tenacity to build our roads, our monuments, our cathedrals, our sculptures.

In life, there are those who are the rock, who possess the same qualities of inner strength, perseverance, flexibility to challenges, and have the purpose to support and be the basis for others success and creativity. They may be the parent who ensures the individuality and creativity of each  family member while also sharing the stability of discipline. They may be the business leader who appreciates  each team’s abilities, while firmly sharing the corporate values. They may be that loyal service provider who without fail picks up your garbage, or drives your kids to school.

Like truth, rocks come in all shapes and sizes. We need those rocks to be the basis of our culture that stands strong and perseveres, upon which futures are built.

Allow us to validate the rock in you. The future depends on it.

– Gillian


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