Changing ‘Change’

It seems recently that everywhere you turn, change is occurring. The economy. The price of gas. Supply chain challenges. The weather. Consumer priorities. Business strategies. Box office hits. Change can cause confusion, disruption, and possible failure. Change can also be a learning opportunity, a time to evaluate past habits and programs, and find new avenues for growth and success.

For many, the timing of change can be critical. Does persistence, a can-do attitude and determination on the given path trump innovation and evolution? Can one maintain core values and shift activities and priorities? Should one change just for the sake of the hot new trend?

Change requires evaluation and reevaluation with eyes wide open and all the relevant data on hand. Statistics on current activities over the past year can quickly clarify the activities that got results and those that didn’t. Analyzing the current scene with a look toward the future can add predictability and help base key decisions. Repeat what worked. Let go of the rest. Continue to focus on one’s purpose and goals.

Here at Christie & Co, we changed our head office location this week and confronted the task with enthusiasm to consider this change an opportunity to shed a few past habits, and (many) boxes of what was once considered important collectibles and creative project tokens developed over the past 30 years of service. We reinforced our purpose to continue to work with clients and initiatives whose success will continue to make the world better, to help take their Dream to Mainstream. We developed new flow lines and systems to continue supporting our clients with effective results. We took to heart Albert Einstein’s philosophy: “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”

Bear with us a little longer as we get re-established. We always welcome visitors and are here to help. If you are ready or need to make changes, our proven methodology, research based Brand Architecture will be your best solution.



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