Value What is Real and True

I was not your normal child, then again, who is? Growing up back East, I was surrounded by books, innovative thinkers, out of the box architects and engineers (in fact they designed and built new sustainable boxes), religiously-inspired individuals, passionate educators, and the freedom of the great outdoors. What was consistent throughout, was my curiosity and desire for knowledge. I have always had a great affinity for those who were willing to share their observations and perceptions of the world around us, allowing me to test them for myself to see if those perspectives were real for me too. It is a philosophical datum that what is true for you is what you yourself have observed. It is vitally important that truth and personal reality be aligned with each person’s own perspective, that one’s personal integrity to develop one’s own truth and reality be appreciated, protected, and honored. With personal truth and reality also comes the responsibility to understand and respect others’.

So – like yours – my personal truth and reality have been developed through decades of meaningful interactions with people from all walks of life around the world, from all ages, even the trees and plants around us. The tools I’ve found most useful in this journey? Observation. Listening. Reading (always with a big dictionary nearby). Adventuring. Questioning. Perceiving. Researching. Evaluating. Touching. Sharing. Apologizing (sometimes I get it wrong). Exploring. Laughing (important not to take life too seriously).

These same attributes, and likely others, are truly the keys to happiness in building your own truths and honoring (and learning from) those of others. This also provides the power to further enhance your business, your family, your community, your environment and yes, yourself. Some of the greatest advances in society have been created by those who question the status quo and wonder “what if?” or “why not?”

Today, too often unfounded opinions, often not based in truth, get shared in a didactic manner assuming that those truths are also yours and should direct your thoughts and supplant the necessity for you to discover your own truth and your own reality. Whether through education that has sometimes forgotten its purpose to allow discovery, or through media, politics, and even religious doctrines, individuals have sometimes sacrificed their freedom to create their own realities for the ‘convenience’ of accepting other’s dictates without testing them to be true.

And though we have multi-billion-dollar industries promoting products and services that are free of artificial ingredients, destructive materials, fake ideas and news, there is a mind suppression and subliminal acceptance of artificial intelligence that is stealing the rights of the individual to create one’s own truth and reality. Follow the money on this new technology and one may be disappointed to find it is not developed for those who value free thought.

My truth: You are valuable. Your thoughts and creativity are what will make a future that is filled with health, happiness, trust and freedoms. The accumulated knowledge of all here at Christie & Co will ensure your thoughts are understood, appreciated, protected and shared. Together, we help build your reality into your concept of success, overcoming momentary barriers and transforming challenges into opportunities. Together, we will build a better world – that is real – where life will flourish and prosper – and peace prevail.

Today, and always, we wish you the very best. May 2019 and beyond be filled with health, happiness, creativity, passion, prosperity and adventure.

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