Having recently returned from a loop around the world with a meaningful holiday sojourn in Perth, I observed mankind through the human interactions in various countries; interactions with each other, with their communities, with their environment and animals, through their media, and technologies, sharing life activities and views.
It was exciting to see what seemed like ‘advanced’ technologies for America to be considered commonplace from the systematic parking garage space identification in Perth to accelerated airport security. However, what seems commonplace in America like our freedom of speech was not evident in many other countries.
Yet, in discussions country to country there was a dominant theme – a desire for more human interaction, more respect for each other and their independent views. It was a BBC interview with an economic expert that emphasized a possible solution: interactive human skills are needed now more than ever as technology can take care of the rest.
What are these human skills that are so needed, skills that cannot be replaced with technology? Here lies the ultimate solution to all challenges, all conflicts and confusions, all systems of distrust, loneliness and possibly mental and physical health?
Human Communication and Connectivity. Yes, one-on-one listening, understanding, coherently responding, enveloped with patience and respect will be the vital commodity in 2025, and beyond. Technology provides channels and appears to hasten communications, that is all. AI is valuable, but it is not human, and cannot replace a kind word of encouragement, a pat on the back for a job well done, guidance through a puzzling life challenge, or a hug.
How to communicate will be the ultimate skill for success in all aspects of living – with family and friends, at work, in management and media. How to communicate between cultures, understanding the ethnic manners and mannerisms will build better understanding. Communications between demographics will help to integrate historical perspectives and experience with youthful innovation and enthusiasm.
Join us in making 2025 the Year of Human Communication and Connectivity. Together, we will listen, learn, share, guide, and evolve. Share your successes as well as your challenges. We are here to help.