The Power of the [Right] Word

Billions of dollars are spent annually to introduce products, ideas or services to change minds, to motivate, to activate and inspire. Every walk of life uses words to be heard, understood and wanted, from manufacturers to education, politics, religion, medicine, entertainment, media, construction, agriculture, even parenting, trying to communicate and get the desired result.

Where would we be today without thousands of years of thoughts captured and shared in words? From the simple “I do” that binds two soulmates in matrimony to the brilliance of Confucius, Buddha, Gandhi, Churchill, JFK, Twain, Emerson, Thoreau, A.A. Milne, and our children when they grab you and say “I love you.”

New technology claims that human choice and thought can be identified, controlled and manipulated through mathematical algorithms from data captured both overtly and covertly, defining the ‘right’ words to use in marketing.  New apps are being developed hourly to replace the necessity as well as the desire to think for ourselves.

With the quality of education that focuses on the 3 R’s declining, the results are disastrous. Per a 2016 report, 32 million Americans are illiterate and 14% of the entire adult population cannot read, putting America 16th globally for adult reading skills. Finding the words that are both understood as well as effective in motivating people is the most critical component of any communications, especially marketing.

In 25 years of research and successful global brand development, we have developed a precise and accurate Brand Evolution Methodology for strategic brand building that identifies the right word(s) that increase immediate understanding, acceptance and activation resulting in increased demand, expanded market share, and deepened engagement.
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No longer do you have to ‘hope’ you can reach your audiences and motivate them to act. Our methodology interacts with all touch points, dives deep, researches, tests, retests and develops the words that can be understood and effectively motivate your audiences. They tell us what they want and how they want to be reached. They share their current purchasing behavior. Their needs. Wants. Aspirations. This enables us to create laser-precise brand development, packaging design, social media, digital marketing & PR campaigns that leverage your audiences’ exact needs to deepen engagement and create lasting loyalty.

A brand is the alignment of both art and science…it is the bridge to trust. A Brand Evolution is the story of how you are connecting with your customers and becoming part of their lives. Weaving together their needs, desires, dreams, challenges into how you are helping them solve their problems, improve their lives, achieve better health for themselves and their families. This connection is logical as well as emotional and requires understanding who they are and what they want from you. Integrating that clear understanding into each touch point of your brand – and respecting what an honor it is to be in their lives – is what defines lasting success and loyalty.

We applied our Brand Evolution Methodology to a product line called Soy Delicious, an early pioneer in the natural products industry bringing non-dairy frozen desserts to the market. It was faltering in its growth projections when it expanded from the natural channel into mass. We applied our methodology, unearthed the roadblocks and challenges they faced in consumer perception, rebranded it as “So Delicious” and it regained its growth to becoming an industry leader. The right word changed everything.

As Mark Twain so aptly stated, “The difference between the almost right word & the right word is really a large matter–it’s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.”



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