Note from Gillian: With Courage

A recent discussion amongst entrepreneurs, investors and advisors was sparked by the question for each to name one word that defines leadership. The responses were both thoughtful and incredibly meaningful in seeing the attributes considered vital in both business and life, including compassion, conscientiousness, care, mindfulness, connection and many others.

My defining characteristic of leadership was courage, recalling the great and wise definition by American philosopher, Mark Twain:

“With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate, and the wisdom to be humble. Courage is the foundation of integrity.”

To create a concept that grows into a successful company, have the knowledge to develop effective delivery systems, employ a team representing complementary skills,  successfully manage viability, dodge counter-efforts from the competition, and persist and flourish through the challenges of growth takes courage, real courage.
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Often courage is confused with bravery. Some feel only those who tackle a raging wildfire or stand against those armed to destroy freedoms have courage. They do and should be recognized and celebrated. It also takes courage to create, design and build new solutions, bringing to life new products, services, and technologies that change lives and our world. It takes courage to keep leading one’s team when manufacturing issues slow the deliverables. It takes the wisdom of courage to be humble, to roll up one’s sleeves and ensure the work gets done, to burn the midnight oil to keep the lights on and the customers happy. It takes courage to innovate, to negotiate, to prioritize. To pivot and shift when necessary. To continue to grow and evolve to stay relevant and build the future.

Yes, for entrepreneurs and investors, there are risks. It takes courage to trust and be compassionate. It takes courage to admit confusions or challenges. It takes courage to ask for help. It takes courage to overcome all odds, hold to your dreams and win. As Twain reminded us all, courage is the foundation of integrity.

We thank you all for being courageous. Together, we are making the world better.



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