Note from Gillian: What Ethical Game Changers, Risk Takers & Disrupters Do Best

It’s a new year with new hopes, resolutions, intentions, and learnings that singularly or together are reckoned to put 2020 behind us, gaining strength and learnings from the innumerable challenges – physical, emotional, and political.

To many, these challenges seemed undeserved, definitely unwanted, often illogical. To many, these challenges forced many of us to reconfigure our lives, our priorities, our budgets, and yes, even our business attire. Who knew “Zoom casual” would become a thing?!

These challenges also spurred exponential growth, a soaring stock market, new opportunities. Cultural changes have elevated – in lifestyles, in community, in families. We had more time home, together. Parents learned to home school while juggling remote careers. RV parks, once the bane of lifestyle discrimination, have become the new micro-adventure, the new, tiny housing, the new #RVLive community. American farmers have prospered as people sought healthier, more locally grown produce and new plant-based products became the norm at family meals. Gas-up started changing lanes to plug-in. Less in-person meetings gave way to camera time, less frequent flyer miles and the deprivation of human contact while reducing environmental impact.
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Yet those who are still smiling – the ethical, world-changing Game Changers, Risk Takers and Disruptors – all share a common trait. This wild entrepreneurial group know that life is a game. They set goals and accomplish them, no matter what the challenge. They innovate and deliver top-of-the-line products and services. They thrive in adversity and find the opportunities therein. The masters of finding the silver lining. They take care of their teams, here and abroad. They know the risks and appreciate the rewards of their successes. They know too that their game is integral to a bigger game and realize the responsibility that comes with success – the responsibility to help others along the way, to respect others’ viewpoints, to listen, to care, to appreciate.

For you see, the ethical, world-changing Game Changers, Risk Takers and Disruptors are willing to be 100% in the game and playing with a higher purpose, where all can win. May we continue to carry this spirit with us, always, and transform any challenges in our paths into stepping stones to a brighter future for all.

– Gillian


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