Note from Gillian: Values Matter

Values matter. Now more than ever.

In times of volatility, values become even more vital. They become our north star. They guide our decisions as business owners, executives, managers, parents, and humans. Even when we may not be fully aware that our values are driving our decision making, they are intrinsically part of how we make our choices. In times like these, they become increasingly more evident. How we treat each other. The partners we choose. Our strategy going forward. And how we navigate challenges to transform them into opportunities. Values transcend temporal fads. Authentic values last and are essential for cultivating the resilience organizationally to withstand challenges and thrive.

I always find the derivation of words to be essential in fully understanding and bringing words to life and often resort to both the definition and derivation in exploring the true meaning of an idea and concept. Value, per The World Book Dictionary means: “Real worth; excellence; usefulness, importance; an equivalent or adequate return.” The derivation of “value,” interestingly, comes from the same Latin base for valor: valere– be strong. In times like these, being strong is exactly what we need. Rooting ourselves and our organizations in our values is the key. It is fundamental. And it cultivates the resilience required today – and tomorrow.

Knowing each of our values and what we consider important becomes the moral guide for all of our decisions, how we build our companies, the creation and quality of the products and services we provide, our interactions throughout the day. Our values become the fiber of our culture, our community, our lives.

It was Gandhi who shared:
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
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Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”

So how do you discover or re-affirm your values? What guidelines are set to ensure these values are real, relevant, and most of all- your own, not ones enforced by others? As Gandhi states- your words, your actions, your habits become your values. Are your words thoughtful? Are your actions inclusive? Are your habits meaningful? Take time and observe for yourself. Write these down- all of them- to review and digest. Filter out the less desirable, live a bit more with these new values and if needed – re-evaluate. These are your values. These are your destiny.

Society is ever-changing, yet we can stand strong. Knowing and maintaining our values will make us resilient, trusted, responsive and valuable to others, and yes, to ourselves and our shared future.

Values do matter. You matter. We matter. Together we can continue to navigate the rapids and emerge even stronger.

– Gillian


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