Note from Gillian: The Freedom to Connect

There is magic in the freedom to connect. Through this connection stories are shared. Challenges viewed and resolved. Curiosities fulfilled. Deals made. Friendships built.

It’s incredible to see the innovation that continues to enable greater connection transcending distance and time, from WhatsApp and facetime to the newest cell phones and technologies. At the heart of them all is the vital nature of human connection.

This spring and early summer has brought us many very special interactions, in volume at trade shows like IDDBA, OR, SFA NYC where interchanges occurred business to business, country to country, old friends to new. Knowledge, stories, laughs and successes were shared. Relationships built and strengthened. Ideas shared.

I have also been extremely inspired by many great innovators this season, visiting with them on their home turf… or at their mines. The thrill of digging in Live Earth Products’ humic shale mines in Emery, Utah, put us in touch with the ancient source of their valuable ingredients. They develop this ancient humic shale into humic and fulvic acid-based products that add rich nutrients for humans, animals and plants. From the miners to the processors to the second generation of management, the Live Earth team’s dedication and enthusiasm to provide the highest quality ingredients is admirable.

And imagine what a pleasure it was to meet so many veteran and skilled team members, where a 20-year Rekord employee was considered a ‘newbie,’ who crafts daily the durable tents to protect our troops, here and abroad as well as tents that make every event special. Rekord Structures is spreading their expertise from Europe to New York through the recent acquisition of RDS/Eureka.

The freedom to connect enhances life in so many ways. Science is now accepting ‘earthing’ as a beneficial therapy. Humates added to soil connect ancient nutrition with our crops, gardens, and livestock. And the power of human connection to develop new ideas, share cultures and experiences, explore our world, understand each other better, listen to stories and perspectives, play games, try new things, and hopefully leave things better than we found them through all that comes from truly connecting with one another.

So this 4th of July (and everyday), let’s cherish our freedoms defined in our Declaration and Constitution. Connect with family, friends, neighbors, even those with whom you may not always agree. These connections WILL enhance Life.

Standing by if you have room for one more connection!

“The secret to happiness is Freedom and the secret to freedom is courage.” Thucydides



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