Note from Gillian: Learning a Little Loyalty from our Best Friends

At a recent online meeting, we all took a break to give time for one member to give his dog a cuddle having just returned from the vet. With that break, others on the call brought out their pups from under their desks, across the room, wherever their favorite haunt, to join the meeting with pride and enthusiasm.

Dogs do that. They make us happy and remind us there is more to life than work.

I could write for pages about how dogs are smarter than many folks. When they sense someone of ill intent, they growl, hackles rise, and they back off. Humans try to ignore their instincts and sometimes jump into bad deals or circumstances hoping it will get better. It never does.

Dogs can perceive illness at times faster than the medical practitioners and gently warn of imminent danger. They can find lost souls, whether deep in the forest or deep in their thoughts. Dogs know that play is important and get excited even having the same meal every day as if it was the first time and with new enthusiasm.

But more than any of these great attributes, dogs know and embody true loyalty, a core value that was recently shared during our founders’ webinar as the most important attribute a group of business leaders cited as the basis of every great relationship, deal or partnership.

A dog’s loyalty is unwavering and unconditional, enduring and often growing stronger through adversity. They will tolerate extreme conditions, from the baby joyfully pulling their ears, to being abandoned by a thoughtless human with the ability to love again when they find their forever home. Their loyalty is love in the deepest sense, filled with forgiveness, hope, friendship and eagerness to please. They will be a companion on the trail as easily as beside your grandfather’s chair. Their patience is without boundaries.
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If we were to take these characteristics and practice one very day, the world would begin to glow brighter and we may learn the exuberance of a good midnight howl.

Enjoy indulging in these pictures. We can all use a warm snuggle and pat on the head (or hug) at times!

– Gillian


OK, nobody’s perfect!


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