Note from Gillian: Gratitude with Unexpected Rewards

There is something special about this time of year as we celebrate a time to give thanks. It is a special time to express our gratitude to whomever and whatever has helped us along the way, given advice that bettered our business, a hand up when needed, a pat on the back of encouragement, a silly ‘Dad’ joke when life got a bit serious, or a hug… just because.

Science has proven that gratitude is also a possible key to well-being. A study was done comparing participants who kept a weekly list of things for which they were grateful and those who kept a list of those things that caused irritations. It is no surprise that those who expressed their gratitude increased their overall wellbeing. There have been studies that found that gratitude was linked to fewer signs of heart disease.

Before Hallmark and gratitude memes, the ancient philosophers shared many thoughts that placed the responsibility and benefits of gratitude on each individual.

“When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food, and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies with yourself.” – Tecumseh, Shawnee Chief

“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.” – Epictetus

There is also another tenet of gratitude, yet to be ‘proven’ by science, but a fundamental of our business philosophy, that shared gratitude and appreciation toward an activity or concept, person or purpose emanates positivity beyond that expression of gratitude. The ripple effect of gratitude is truly transformative.

So please share with us what or who you appreciate and are grateful for. Stand back and let the magic happen.

And from all of us at Christie & Co, we are thankful for those who graciously serve others and work tirelessly to improve all life, our innovators, our veterans, our people of faith, our mail delivery teams, our caregivers, our farmers, our business leaders, the hard working teams who ensure we have trade shows, our creatives and designers, those who ensure we have smooth supply chains and safe travel, our builders, our medical providers… yes there are so many in every walk of life for whom we are thankful every day for their passion, persistence and care. It is an honor to work together to accomplish great things.



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