Note from Gillian: 30 Years of Taking Dreams to Mainstream


A leap year. Designated as the International Space year by the United Nations. It was also the year Christie & Co was incorporated.

The last 30 years have seen truly incredible advancements, innovations, cultural developments and so much more. It has also been marked by tragedies and losses we never could have imagined could become commonplace, yet through it all, the human spirit and our innate capacity to persevere, to innovate, and to come together in times of adversity have pulled us through and propelled us forward.

As we near the culmination of 2022, while planning for all that is to come in 2023 and beyond, we have also reveled in reflection as it has also marked our 30th anniversary. One that we share with each of you, our community of pioneers, innovators, and leaders. Each of you continue to build the future and we are so grateful for all you do.

For all of us here at Christie & Co, these 30 years have been focused on building leaders and brands that matter, knowing together, we can build a better world for all life. We are honored and proud of the accomplishments we have achieved and know the power of recognizing the past, learning from the successes as well as the challenges that provide the foundation for continued growth for all of us, together.

As we look ahead, some tenets we have learned from reflection will guide our way and we hope may provide some food for thought as you look towards the new year. We would love to hear your own reflections, intentions and learnings for the new year.

Our learnings for the new year…

  • Take time to acknowledge all you have accomplished, all you have created, all the challenges you have addressed, adversity faced and overcome, the adventures you have shared, the knowledge you have gained.
  • Thank all those who have supported you in the attainment of your goals.
  • Define your goals for 2023, for yourself, your company, your team, your communities, your planet. Write them down and align to them daily.
  • Life is in you today and you create your tomorrow. Create endlessly, create your grandest dreams, create the life you envision.
  • Believe in yourself and those around you. Know that you can accomplish your dreams and together, can overcome the inherent challenges in the journey.
  • Celebrate the pivots. As challenging as they can be, those pivots can often hold magic and unlock growth that may never have been realized.
  • Take time to really connect. Life moves so fast, take time to pause, reflect and really connect with our community.

Together we will make 2023 the best year ever. Here’s to honoring the past, celebrating the present, and building the future, together.


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