
Note from Gillian: It’s Spring Cleaning Time

Every species has a spring cleaning ritual to remove the deadwood, the accumulated clutter, outdated gear and yes, even stale habits and thoughts. For nature, there’s the March winds that shake the branches of the last season’s leaves to make it possible to welcome new life and vitality.


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Note from Gillian: All that Matters

With the recent catastrophic fires in Los Angeles throughout January, thousands were forced to flee their homes and businesses with little to no warning, many thinking it would be temporary and they would be able to return home after the fire was extinguished.


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The Top Commodity for 2025: ​Human Communication & Connectivity

Having recently returned from a loop around the world with a meaningful holiday sojourn in Perth, I observed mankind through the human interactions in various countries; interactions with each other, with their communities, with their environment and animals,


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Note from Gillian: Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is a joyous time
  When gratitude coalesces
    And gives many the inspiration to give thanks.

Make every day Thanksgiving
Thank the earth
  Upon which we run
    Upon which we plant
      Upon which to admire its vistas.


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Note from Gillian: Staying the Course

With the whirlwind of activity in each of our lives – family, work, health issues, community, and now the maelstrom of politics fueled by media, to many it may seem challenging, even exhausting to focus beyond the immediate demands.


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Note from Gillian: So you can lead them to your brand… but do they buy? Is your branding missing H.I.?

It is true. Many marketing plans, clever ads, celebrity endorsements and influencer campaigns can create possible interest in a brand or initiative, but did they cause a conversion? So your post went viral, but did it motivate,


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Note from Gillian: The Evolution of PR: Let’s Get Personal

Since the dawn of time, man has developed systems to communicate, share stories, and connect with others. Cave drawings have been noted as some of the earliest forms of communication using local pigments to depict heroic adventures.


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Note from Gillian: Business is an Olympic Event

The Olympic Games are a global event, celebrating sports, culture and peace, bringing together those from around the world to demonstrate their dedication and hard work to be the best in their class. The Olympic Games originated in Greece over 3,000 years ago and were revived in 1896 featuring 280 participants from 12 nations competing in 43 events.


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Note from Gillian: Lessons from the Last Ringmaster: Business as a Circus

Growing up in Baltimore, one of my childhood highlights was to go to Ringling Brothers Circus with my grandfather. He always treated us to front row seats so we could enjoy every aspect of the excitement and the acts.


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Note from Gillian: In a Manner of Speaking

“Good manners reflect something from inside-an innate sense of consideration for others and respect for self.” Emily Post

Throughout history, humans have devised methodologies and moral codes to bring together different cultures, to have as guidelines for the preservation of societies and to help make human interaction more conscientious.


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